Big Hitters and Bigger Bullshitters

By Lordus Sapiens — Scraping Bret’s and Steven’s residue off my shoes.

Is it arrogance, or is Bret just trying not to show his double chin?

In the latest chapter of the Bret Gordon / Steven Hatfield American Jidokwan fraud debacle, Bret and Steven were excited to announce new connections to some folks from the old “Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association” who, they claimed, could verify at least part of their story regarding lifelong criminal and ex-con William Sirbaugh’s supposed connection to the legacies of Robert Moore, Curtis Herrington, and E. A. Fuzy: Ohio Ji Do Kwan Association founder Curtis Herrington protégé Jim Endrizzi and Herrington’s daughter, Carrie.

Some big hitters indeed!

This would be quite a coup if it all worked out.

But it didn’t.

Oh well. Once people became aware of this “new information,” it was scrutinized, and like most of what Bret and Steven do, it failed to hold up to said scrutiny. Endrizzi and Herrington backed off and recanted parts of their stories with promises of official statements yet to come to explain things.

Bret and Steven aren’t exactly happy about it. In a now-deleted thread on Jim Endrizzi’s Facebook page (because that’s what they do…they delete things that make them look bad whenever they can), Hatfield said:

Jim Endrizzi jim did you tell him you contacted me Jan 1, 2022? Did you not tell everyone that we spoke and you had no clue why these grown men are acting this way? Did you not tell me that you would put a stop to all of this? Did you not tell me that you had no problem with me and what i am doing? Did you not tell me that you fully supported me and bret and told me to add you and carrie to the website? And then when these self proclaimed martial arts police did what they always do and attack carrie and you. You asked me to remove you both from the site? And i did just that! So please speak on how this all came about when it comes to you and Ms. Ms. Herrington being in this.

You said that you were happy to see someone teaching martial arts the right way? Why didn’t you not tell them that you told me that you would address all of this and that anyone showing respect towards your teacher you supported? You see people will just assume whatever they like and then get upset when you dont play their games or fall into their narcissistic ways. Regardless of what happens you and i know the truth and this all needs to be addressed and fixed.

Steven W. Hatfield

Articulate to the last.

Bret went Steven one better and posted a long article on his blog blasting Endrizzi, Herrington, and Master Charles Brown. I’ve included screen shots of Bret’s blog at the end of this article (because of Bret’s and Steven’s habit of deleting things that make them look bad).

Now, I’m going to examine the points Bret tries to make, the falsehoods he works into his tirade, as well as his many…I guess I would call them “strategic omissions.”

But before I do that, I feel I should comment on just how tiresome all this is. There is such a massive amount of information proving that Bret and Steven are guilty of a wide range of fraud in their martial arts activities, they’ll never be able to shed themselves of it entirely. Truthfully, the only reason I respond to their claims is to remind people of what these two chuckleheads really are lest people start to forget, which they will if enough time is allowed to pass without calling them out.

I also am feeling the urge to point out that Bret – who sees himself as the brain trust of their operation – just doesn’t seem up to the task of arguing their side anymore. Bret’s not dumb, but he’s not as smart as he thinks, either, and over the past many months since I posted my first blog on them, he has made many mistakes, allowed many cracks to appear, and lost track of the river of misrepresentations to outright lies he has been telling. That’s the problem with being a pathological liar and living a house built on lies. Eventually there are so many lies it becomes impossible to keep things straight no matter how smart you might think you are. Eventually your foundation starts to crumble and the whole thing comes crashing down on top of you.

Bret has a big ego…especially when it comes to how smart he thinks he is. He’s always been this way. Even as a teenager when he was teaching out of his parents’ garage and famously tried to bullshit the world into thinking he was a 15- or 16-year-old master and founder of his own martial art (while purchasing a raft of certs to try to back it all up), he thought he was smarter than everyone else. But he’s not up to the task he has set before himself…out-smarting people who have paid real dues and earned real knowledge and wisdom through real training and sacrifice while Bret was spending all his time trying to figure out ways fast-track himself to grandmaster and fool people who know better.

Bret (I know you’re reading this), I write these things while I watch TV in the evenings, or during short breaks while I’m doing my real work. I’ve even written responses to your nonsense on the crapper while dealing with a bout of mild food poisoning. I don’t even have to focus my full attention on them…yet you can barely keep up. I guess you’ve just reached the limits of your high school education and what you can do with a library card, a subscription to Black Belt, and the Turtle Press book list.

You should give up.

Bret, it’s a sad truth that for as much we sometimes love martial arts, martial arts doesn’t always love us back the way we want it to. Most people figure that out. They move on to other professions and different lives. Some teach a little on the side, but it’s with the realization that martial arts will never be more than a hobby…and they are satisfied with teaching others a couple of nights per week in a manner that has integrity and displays a respect for the arts.

The kind of success in martial arts that you covet requires a pretty unique combination of attributes…some that, sadly, you and most other people lack.

Look at you. Almost 30 years old. Bald. Fat. Working as a mall cop, living in a single-wide trailer, and married to a child. You have a life no one should want. There’s nothing wrong with you wanting to teach some bastard form of “Karate,” but your aspirations of Kaiso-Soke-Grand Master Poo-Bah-dom are destroying your life. You have become a martial arts cliché. A fake master, somewhere between the inbred love child of Frank Dux and Ron “the Hedgehog” Jeremy.

Product of an unholy union?

But it’s not too late.

Give up on all this nonsense. You aren’t dumb, though you are making dumb choices, as if your dishonesty and fraud are indicative of a deep seeded mental illness. You fancy yourself some kind of “living historian” (what does that even mean?), well, why don’t you get off your lazy, shortcut-obsessed ass and go become a REAL historian? Sign up at one of the many fine public universities down your way and get a legitimate education in the things you are passionate about? Then you could get a real job and earn real recognition for having real knowledge…not just blathering on about your fake martial arts.

Some day soon, you’re going to put a baby hedgehog into that poor child’s belly. Is this the life you want for them?

Anyway…here’s Bret’s latest attempt to outwit the martial arts community (with monkey commentary, of course):

It’s amazing how people’s loyalties can change on a dime, and when there’s any sort of negative attention they would rather change their story and jump on the bandwagon than stand by their words and actions. Let me apologize now, because this will be long…

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: That’s a funny choice of words that says a lot about you two.


So, based on a few conversations (most through text and messenger, I’d wager) you feel these people owe you loyalty? That’s funny. Loyalty takes time to earn, and you hadn’t put in the time to earn it. Why is it that people like you and Steven expect people to be instantly loyal to the two of you? Is that what you think being “Kaiso” fabricated black belts is all about?

They owed you nothing.

You, however, owed them full disclosure, which you clearly did not provide.

It’s obvious that they were initially reacting (offering support) to only part of the story – the part you and Steven wanted them to hear – and then changed their position once they had a chance to investigate further and learned more about the two of you and what has been going on. Only an idiot should be surprised by any of this. There was never a hope in hell that you would be able to keep these people from finding out about the two of you and what you’ve been doing.

Jim Endrizzi

​On January 1st, we were contacted by Jim Endrizzi who was a student of Curtis Herrington, founder of the Ohio Jidokwan Karate Association. He reached out to us to settle a dispute between our organization, the American Jidokwan Association, and Ed Mathna, a representative of E.A. Fuzy’s American Jidokwan Karate. ​By the end of that first conversation, Endrizzi said that he was happy to support anyone promoting true Jidokwan, and that he would gladly provide us with some historical information to help us tie up loose ends in our history, which we have admitted that we simply don’t know everything that happened prior to our involvement in the martial arts so any help with that would be welcome. But it doesn’t stop there…

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: There’s some contradiction regarding how everyone came together, but I suppose that’s ultimately moot. Your assertion that Endrizzi came to you to settle your dispute with Fuzy’s organization is bullshit, but even if it wasn’t, it would be interesting for a number of reasons.

First off, Endrizzi has no authority, which you know full well. The Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association and Fuzy’s American Jidokwan are the same organization (Ohio Jidokwan was passed on to Fuzy by Herrington who then re-branded it…all legal paperwork registered in Ohio for Ohio Jidokwan traces back to Fuzy), it still exists with a leader (GM Mary Kay Fuzy) and a board of officers (one of whom is Ed Mantha). Endrizzi is not a member of that organization, nor an officer on its board, or a representative in any capacity whatsoever.

Endrizzi is an outlier, with no official standing whatsoever. In actuality, Endrizzi has been estranged from Ohio Jidokwan/American Jidokwan for many, many years due to his own actions and past behavior. While he’s certainly entitled to teach Karate as he pleases, he’s NOT entitled to represent himself as speaking for “Ohio Jidokwan”/The Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association in any official capacity. If he did that in this instance, it was completely inappropriate.

​After talking back and forth for almost a week, he decided to publicly support our organization and took steps to introduce us to his students and associates who still remained Ohio Jidokwan Karate after splitting from Fuzy’s group:

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

Bret, you talk about The Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association as if it is still a going concern and separate from Fuzy’s American Jidokwan. It’s not. Legally, they are the same and anyone claiming to be “Ohio Jidokwan” in the context of the old Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association is using it inappropriately. “Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association” is not a style of martial arts. It was a business entity, an association of schools (Ji Do Kwan Karate was the “style”), one that was later re-branded and registered in Ohio as American Jidokwan Karate.

While there may in fact be other instructors who did not follow Fuzy after he succeeded Herrington, they would have no longer been able to say they were “Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association.” Ohio Jidokwan/American Jidokwan went one way, and they went another. They ceased to be “Ohio Jidokwan” and if they chose to come together under a separate organization under Endrizzi or someone else – and there is no evidence that they did – they would have legally had to call it something else.

This might seem to be just a semantic rabbit hole, but it demonstrates a frequent problem in martial arts. What happens when disgruntled people go their own way? Some people start anew under a different name – which is what SHOULD happen – while others (people lacking integrity) pretend that they are the TRUE version while misappropriating the legitimate organization’s name when the reality is that they are outliers and malcontents who are refusing to follow the legitimate organization’s lead for personal reasons.

This is interesting where it comes to Bret and Steven because they have absolutely NO connection to Moore, Herrington, and Fuzy, their legacies, and the organizations they founded…but they are desperate to fabricate a connection through Hatfield’s stepfather, lifelong criminal and ex-con William Sirbaugh, because they feel that it is important for their version of the American Jidokwan Association to establish a connection to Karate/Taekwondo pioneers in Ohio and beyond.

There is a strange contradiction in all this because what Bret and Steven are trying to do is to establish “authority” for themselves as martial artists, but the way they are going about it is by thumbing their noses at established authorities (that won’t recognize them) and going to outliers for support for their dubious claims and creating their own organizations to fabricate the illusion of legitimacy. Simply run down the list of styles they claim mastery and authority in and you find a stark pattern.

Bret and Steven claim Judo, but instead of Kodokan recognition and ranking, they affiliate with non-recognized, poorly regarded American groups (WOMA and USA-TKJ). They’re both really Taekwondo guys, but instead of Kukkiwon rank and recognition, they tout their affiliation with The World Taekwondo Jidokwan Federation (kwan rank, and while The World Taekwondo Jidokwan Federation does follow and endorse Kukkiwon, their credentials are controversial as they are much easier to get and not considered to be on par with Kukkiwon). They claim to be Jujutsu masters, but their only recognition is through their own American Yoshinkan Aiki Jujutsu which they claim is derived from Daito Ryu and Yoshinkan Aikido (Daito Ryu says their story is BS, and neither of them have ever studied Yoshinkan). Their Karate backgrounds have the same issues. Basically, in every style they claim, an examination of their claimed backgrounds turns up either a third-tier group (even certificate mills like the Serbian “All Japan Budo Association”), self-fabricated organizations, or circle-jerks and diploma mills.

One of Bret’s few legit certifications.

Through Endrizzi, we were connected with Carrie Herrington (daughter of Curtis Herrington). Not only did he introduce us, he suggested Carrie actually join Hatfield sensei’s school to further her training. Now, like any two martial artists when they first get to know each other they start running down the list of potential mutual contacts… And to our surprise, not only did she remember Hatfield sensei’s father William Sirbaugh as a student of Curtis Herrington, he was “a very familiar name” in her house!

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: “…running down the list of potential mutual contacts.”

Oh, give as a fucking break, Bret.

Anyone who is familiar with the whole Sirbaugh/American Jidokwan story knows that this is bullshit. You were not surprised because this was your greatest hope and desire, that either Endrizzi or Herrington might “recall” Sirbaugh or otherwise provide you with some link to Moore’s/Herrington’s/Fuzy’s legacy. You both have an established history of misrepresenting people’s dim recollections to serve your purposes, and Carrie Herrington is hardly credible.

This isn’t intended as a personal criticism, but Carrie was a teenager when her father died and according to my sources, a yellow belt (if this is incorrect, perhaps she will let me know) and not likely involved on any significant — or more importantly, adult — level, and hardly reliable as far as any recollection of who her father’s martial arts acquaintances might have been.

How much do YOU remember with any accuracy from when you were a teenager? Most teenagers these days can’t be relied on for basic personal hygiene, let alone the complex inner workings and major players within someone’s martial arts empire from 30+ years ago.

Regarding Sirbaugh’s timeline — which Bret and Steven avoid discussing at all costs — after getting out of the Army, Sirbaugh was in Johnstown, PA from approximately 1974 (Carrie’s birth year) to 1980 where his family hailed from, he had a wife, and he was pounding out kids with said wife (the kids still live there – all of whom have extensive records like their old man – though I believe one of them died recently at a sadly young age).

In late 1979, Sirbaugh got busted for some serious crimes in PA and by 1980 he had abandoned his family and run off. From 1980 to 1984, according to Bret and Steven, Sirbaugh was in the Marines — though no record exists, and it is assumed that if he really was in the Marines, it was under a stolen or forged identity…if Bret and Steven had any brains at all, they would drop the Marines stuff and claim that he was living in Ohio under an assumed name to avoid the charges in Pennsylvania, but they can’t now because I suggested it, but then again they would have to re-write all their Hankido and Myung Jae Nam bullshit.

In 1984 Sirbaugh turns up in Oklahoma where he marries again, rips off his second wife, gets divorced, and is busted for a string of crimes and ends up in the Oklahoma State Prison until mid-June of 1991, after which he was extradited to Arizona to face charges that resulted in TWO stretches in the Arizona State Prison that lasted until October 28, 1999.

So, as anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see, there was no time during Carrie’s life when her father was alive that she could have ever met or known Sirbaugh.

It just didn’t happen.

She simply made a mistake. But was it a mistake that was encouraged by Bret and Steven to serve their agenda?

What was great to see was that when Endrizzi made the above post, and some of our detractors started jumping on to state that Sirbaugh had no relation to Herrington, she jumped on to immediately correct them and did so multiple times in the thread.

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

Yes, this is true. Initially, Carrie backed up their claims, but after thinking about it, consulting with others (people with first-hand knowledge), and doing her own research into Bret and Steven, she has since retracted the above.

Human memory is notoriously unreliable in certain circumstances…ESPECIALLY in situations when someone is prompting someone else for details. From a Healthline article on this subject by Rachel Barclay published in 2013:

““What color hat was the bank robber wearing?” the police officer asks the eyewitness. “Red, no, black, definitely black,” the witness insists. The question seems innocent, but it can prompt the witness to vividly remember a black hat, when in fact the robber wore no hat at all.

Human memory is notoriously unreliable, especially when it comes to details. Scientists have found that prompting an eyewitness to remember more can generate details that are outright false but that feel just as correct to the witness as actual memories.

In day-to-day life, this isn’t a bug; it’s a feature. We can’t possibly remember every tiny detail we see, but our memories would feel incomplete if there were big swaths of gray running through them. So the brain fills in the details as best it can, borrowing from other memories and the imagination in order to build what feels like a complete picture.

“A key rule about memory change over time is what we call fade-to-gist,” explained Dr. Charles Brainerd, a professor of human development at Cornell University, in an interview with Healthline. “That is, we lose the details of experience rapidly but retain our understanding of its gist much longer. After attending a baseball game, we may quickly forget what the score was, who pitched, and what we had to eat, but not that our team won and we had a fun evening.”

According to the American Bar Association, of the 21 wrongful convictions overturned by the Innocence Project in 2011, 19 involved eyewitness testimony. More than three-quarters of wrongful convictions that are later overturned by DNA evidence were based on eyewitness reports.

The legal system finally acknowledged this problem last year, when the New Jersey Supreme Court instructed judges to tell jurors that “human memory is not foolproof” when considering eyewitness testimony in a case.”

Click to full article:

Probably the most infamous example of this I can think of is the Fells Acres Day Care Center sexual abuse case (part of the day care sex abuse hysteria of the 1980s) where Gerald, Violet, and Cheryl Amirault were wrongly convicted of rape and abuse based on prompted testimony from the supposed victims, children who were essentially coerced (I’d dare say psychologically tortured) by law enforcement, health and psychiatric professionals, and their families into claiming the Amiraults sexually abused them when nothing of the sort actually happened.

When Bret and Hatfield talked to Carrie, I am certain they prompted her (like they did with Master Charles “Buddy” Brown). Carrie, excited to have found people she might want to train with and who claimed a connection to her father’s legacy, was susceptible and vulnerable to suggestion and prompting whether it was an intentional manipulation or not. Given Bret and Steven’s obsession with their Sirbaugh story, I can’t believe it was anything BUT intentional.

Maybe I’m being a dick, but Bret and Steven have lied and re-written their history for Sirbaugh so many times that they have LONG forfeited any benefit of the doubt. I am confident that when talk went to who Carrie might know, that Bret and Steven were focused entirely on Sirbaugh, and Carrie, wanting to connect with them, “remembered” what they hoped to hear and prompted her to remember.

It happens all the time.

If you don’t believe it, as an experiment you can try, insert a name or event in a conversation with a friend sometime, totally fabricated, and start prompting them with leading questions and details to “jog” their memory. The key thing is to start with “real” details that you and the person you are talking with both know of or can relate to before inserting your made-up person or event. I can almost guarantee that if you carefully press and lead them long enough, they will start to “remember” and will likely even start offering their own details to flesh things out even more. It truly is a curious feature of human memory, one that unethical people — cons — often use to exploit others.

Be forewarned though…when you stop the game and reveal that what you’ve been talking about is pure bullshit designed to see if you can manipulate what they recall, they are going to think you are a grade-A asshole and likely never fully trust you again.

Endrizzi gearing up to go to war against the “trolls” who have been oh so mean to Bret and Steven over their fraudulent backgrounds.

Further showing their support, Endrizzi asked if we would be willing to write the “whole history” since Fuzy’s people were cherry picking what information to make public, and provided us with information to put on our website. Not only that, he made it seem like he was ready to go to war with the trolls for us. Finally, someone willing to stand up to the cyberbullying, stalking and harassment we’ve been dealing with for two years now instead of telling us to just ignore it…

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: Given Bret’s and Hatfield’s history of fabrication and lies when it comes to their own martial arts histories, I shudder at the thought of them writing one for Endrizzi.

Jim Endrizzi had a longstanding beef with Fuzy. I imagine part of this was over Herrington passing on the Association to Fuzy when he died. I am also told that Endrizzi had “personal issues” that caused a rift between them. Sometime around 2017, Endrizzi got back into martial arts after an absence from the scene:

One interesting aspect of this is that it appears that he saw himself as picking up the torch for his old instructor (Curtis Herrington) and the old Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association. While, emotionally, I can understand the desire to honor a long dead teacher and his legacy, parts of this make little sense in that Endrizzi was fully aware that the ORGANIZATION belonged to Fuzy’s successors.

Why didn’t Endrizzi reach out to GM Mary Kay Fuzy and her board of officers for the still active American Jidokwan?

I’m sure the “beef” and rift with Fuzy was the reason. So be it. People fall out. Endrizzi certainly has the right to start something of his own and reference his connection to his instructor (Curtis Herrington) as his inspiration. He was really there and no one denies that he was a good martial artist and that he had a special relationship with Herrington. But the one thing he couldn’t do was claim any authority related to the Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association because his isn’t a member, let alone part of it’s leadership.

I’m reminded of an old joke about Korean martial artists who immigrated to the United States back in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The joke is:

Question: What’s the first thing a Korean black belt does when hen he gets to the United States?

Answer: He start a Martial Arts Association.

A big problem with martial arts organizations is that it is common for people to establish groups that appear to be democratically organized “associations” when they really aren’t.

Regarding the “joke” above, Korean immigrants who came to the US during the first wave of Taekwondo figured out very quickly that opening a school and setting up an “Association” was a great way to make money because many American teachers desired connections with “real” Korean “masters” (don’t get me going on airplane promotions). Create an “association,” accept affiliates, establish a fee schedule and require that your affiliates do all their business through you (uniforms, gear, clinics, testing, membership dues), and a Korean fresh off the boat or airplane could be rolling in dough in a relatively short time (it’s not this easy now, since attaching oneself to a Korean master has lost a lot of its luster…largely because of all the financial abuse that came out of these “associations”).

If the Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association (and American Jidokwan under Fuzy) had been a true “association” (a member organization with bylaws and a democratic structure where the members have rights) when Herrington died, the members would have elected a new leader (President), but instead, Herrington hand-picked a successor (Fuzy) because in reality the “association” was Herrington’s personal business and “The Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association” was a trade name registered in the State of Ohio that he owned. It was never really a true “member organization,” in practical or legal terms. That’s fine, I guess, and certainly legal…but typically the people who run these group aren’t very up front about it and so the “members” (actually customers/clients purchasing what amounts to a subscription for various services) usually make wrong assumptions about their rights within the organization (they don’t have any).

Now, I don’t think this was done nefariously. Martial arts people just aren’t all good at organizing things like this or even necessarily find it desirable to set up martial arts groups along “democratic” lines (most are dictatorships).

Calling your group or private business an “association” sounds like a big deal and is good marketing, but designing a “democratic” organizational structure, writing bylaws, filing as the appropriate type of business entity, creating policies and procedures, holding elections, publishing various reports (especially financial), filing taxes, etc. — and then actually running it that way — is a lot of work, especially when all the leadership or owner really wants is a DBA to open a bank account so they can deposit fees for tournaments, clinics, and rank testing. Besides that, if you do it right (set it up as a real association where the members have rights and the power to select leadership and dictate policies and procedures), you open yourself to being voted out of your own organization (which almost always happens eventually).

So, The Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association was Curtis Herrington’s personal business and he owned the name outright. That’s why legally he could bequeath it to Fuzy on his death bed, and that’s why Fuzy’s widow owns the rights to it today.

Amusingly, Bret’s and Steven’s “American Jidokwan Association” is set up the same way (though they haven’t bothered to register it in Ohio or Florida). It’s not a “member group” or similarly organized entity, though they pretend it is. They claim to have officers and representatives, etc., but in reality it is their personal business and the “members” have no rights or recourse if they don’t like what Bret and Steven are doing. They are clients who are essentially paying for access to credentials through Bret and Steven and nothing more. That’s fine. They can certainly do that if they want, but the way they present themselves lacks integrity, and in terms of legitimacy, it puts them on shaky ground…which is why their World Taekwondo Jidokwan Federation recognition is important, and likely why establishing ties to a real legacy has become an obsession for them.

Anyway…getting back to Endrizzi, it looks like he was making moves to assert himself in his martial arts community to try to get something going. Clearly, he didn’t really think about the legal and organizational aspects of it, but a lot of that depends on what his intentions were. If all he wanted to do was teach a few people in his basement or garage, none of this stuff is necessary…but if he saw himself as picking up his teacher’s torch and doing something bigger and broader…

Well, that would require some planning and organization (and probably a good lawyer to guide the way). Given what happened, I suspect that Endrizzi imagined that he was going to revive Ohio Jidokwan in some form, but that he lacks the knowledge and organizational skills to do it…and then Bret and Steven come along.

“Well, damn,” Endrizzi must have thought. “These boys already have an organization and they claim to have connections to Moore, Herrington, and Fuzy! Maybe I can just piggyback onto what they’re doing”

For about five minutes, Bret and Steven must have looked like the answer to all of his dreams and aspirations…

Until they didn’t anymore.

It’s funny that Bret titles his blog article, “Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story.” With Endrizzi and Carrie, there’s no dishonor or deceit here that I can see. What I see is two people getting excited about something, but then doing some due diligence and deciding not to work with them based on what they found. That’s just what smart people do. If there was any dishonor or deceit going on, it was being perpetrated by Bret and Steven.

When you purposefully omit facts and present only the things that make you look good, you might as well be lying.

These screenshots with Jim and Carrie are just the tip of the iceberg of support they were offering us and conversations we had about how to best address our detractors. There are numerous other conversations and messages, but of course, like so many others, once the spotlight was put on them they decided to change their stories. ​The trolls and cyber-stalkers at BSMA, whom I have nicknamed my personal press corps since it seems I can’t share any video or blog without it being reposted there within the first few hours, saw that I was now listing both Jim and Carrie on our website as offering their support. So, as is par for the course, they began digging into their personal lives to either discredit them as well or convince them to withdraw their support.

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: Sure.

If these screen shots are the tip of the iceberg, Bret, let’s see the rest of the iceberg. This is Bret’s favorite dodge. “There’s tons of documentation proving what I say, but I’m not going to show it to you because you’re just not important enough to know.”

Yup, we just have to take two pathological liars at their word.

The really dumb part of all this is that Bret and Steven knew that this would draw scrutiny, but apparently they were so excited to get to plaster this stuff on their website that they (1) didn’t prepare Endrizzi or Herrington for it, and (2) they did a piss poor job in presenting their new “facts” to the public.

Can you say, “poor impulse control?”

As I’ve said often, Bret and Steven don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves, and their handling of this shows that in spades. They should have spent a couple of months developing their new narrative and working with Endrizzi and Herrington to minimize the blowback they KNEW was coming and prepare them for it so it wouldn’t turn into a shit show.

Of course, in order to do that, they would have had to provide full disclosure, so I guess I can understand why they rushed to post this stuff without providing Endrizzi and Herrington with all the details.


So now Bret resorts to crying about “trolls,” because that’s what it is when someone calls you out for being dishonest and only telling a new potential ally only part of the story. They are “trolls” because they have to remind you to tell the whole truth. Bret and Steven knew that someone would look into Endrizzi’s and Herrington’s backgrounds. The real question is why didn’t THEY? Bret and Steven were essentially putting them out as a new part of the face of their organization, but they didn’t check them out first? Jesus…that’s how you end up with a convicted child rapist at the head of an organization.

Oh wait…they already did that once with former AJA President and fake 9th dan Patrick Justice.

Again…thoughtless, incompetent…idiots.

Both Jim and Carrie have prior records and arrests. To be honest, I don’t know many people who don’t have at least a traffic infraction on their record. Unless it is some heinously violent crime or involves the abuse of children, we usually don’t turn people away for misdemeanors and petty offenses. This is a fact the trolls love to cling onto, that our affiliates are all “criminals” as if they are saints who have never made a mistake in their lives. But apparently, the hinting of such on their forum was enough to get Carrie and Jim to back peddle. Now Jim says he does not know Hatfield sensei, “bad or good,” and instead of saying how familiar with Sirbaugh Carrie is, now she just “thinks she heard of him.” If there was a way to accurately describe a full-bodied eye roll…

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: Bret likes to say this a lot about people with criminal records, that it’s a common thing that people shouldn’t be concerned about. Well, I actually run background checks on people all the time as part of my job, and I can tell you that the vast, vast, VAST majority of people come back without ANYTHING criminal. Sure, a traffic ticket is nothing to get into a snit over, but most people don’t even come back with those either. It is RARE for people to come back with anything that would raise an eyebrow…but among Bret’s and Hatfield’s associates, a LOT of serious things come up: David Hush, for example (his prison record aside, his old Twitter feed is pretty horrifying considering that he teaches kids), and child rapist and former AJA President Patrick Justice…and let’s not forget William Sirbaugh and his life of crime as a thief and forger.

Now as requested, we did remove Jim and Carrie from our website, and apparently Carrie is pretty pissed at Jim for getting her involved in this drama in the first place. Rumor has it she threatened to have him demoted because of it, but that’s just a rumor.

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: Yeah, people are pissed for being dragged into your drama. If the two of you were a bit smarter, you might learn something from that…but you’re not, so you won’t. This demotion rumor stuff, though…

Jesus, Bret, just how stupid are you? 

There is no one out there in the Jidokwan universe with the authority to demote Jim Endrizzi unless you have plans to dig up Curtis Herrington and reanimate his corpse somehow. Endrizzi has no master and after becoming estranged from Fuzy and Fuzy’s American Jidokwan, he had no legitimate organization that I’m aware of.

A photo of Endrizzi’s 9th dan certificate is posted on his page along with a number of other promotions he signed off on in 2020:

Current certs being used by Endrizzi.

It’s not clear if he promoted himself or if he got someone else to sign off on the certificate since the signature section has been cropped off the bottom. Notably, the certificate is issued by the “Ji Do Kwan Kong Su Do Karate Association,” NOT some iteration or sound-alike of the Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association, though the logo is a total rip-off of the Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association logo (they just dropped the “Ohio” part). Is this a nod to Robert Moore and the original “Kong Soo Do” organization he was a part of? I am unable to locate a “Ji Do Kwan Kong Su Do Karate Association” anywhere on the internet, and it’s not registered in Ohio as a business entity

Oh well…people design rank certificates — these appear to be modeled after Curtis Herrington’s old AKBBA certs:

AKBBA black belt cert signed by Endrizzi and Herrington — note that it was issued 7 years after Herrington’s death (according to Endrizzi, Herrington left him 4 signed certs when he died).

…that list organizations that only exist in their imagination all the time, as the two of you well know. If there really is a Ji Do Kwan Kong Su Do Karate Association, I’d love to know about it.

And who the heck is E.W. Yates, 10th Dan? He signed all these certs and I’m guessing signed off on Endrizzi’s promotion to 9th in August of 2020.

Bret goes on to stir up shit between Endrizzi and Carrie Herrington…and then to blast the last person they tried this with, Master Charles Brown:

And…things start to get nasty.

Judging by Jim’s response in the text screenshot here, I’d say something fairly serious was definitely said. I guess they have issues to work out…

Charles “Buddy” Brown is next on our list of dishonorable mentions who says one thing to us and another when it’s the cool thing to do. In the screenshot below, I asked him some very specific questions that cannot be misinterpreted or misunderstood. For clarity, I’ll include the transcript of the screenshot as well…

Bret: Good afternoon sir. It was a pleasure speaking with you earlier. I am going to be writing a rebuttal to their article about American Jidokwan, and I’d like to clarify some things we just discussed, and post a screenshot of this conversation if you’re ok with it.

CB: Yes I’m okay with it go right ahead.

Bret: Thank you sir. So first, was E.A. Fuzy the only founder of American Jidokwan?

CB: No the people that we came through was Robert m Moore and Curtis Harrington [sic]

Bret: And you said that you knew or knew of Hatfield sensei’s father, William Sirbaugh, through American Jidokwan?

CB: That’s correct

Bret: So if he was around back then, why would someone else under Fuzy say they didn’t know him?

​CB: Because he was not training here in the Cleveland. What I knew about him came from my first instructor Tom benich.

Bret: And Fuzy knew and worked with Sirbaugh too, correct?

CB: That’s what I was told however most of Master fuses [sic] training came from Robert Moore and Curtis Harrington. [sic]

Now, I don’t understand how any of that could be misinterpreted, but Buddy claims we have twisted his words and has since taken extensive efforts to discredit Hatfield sensei and I (though whenever we get him on the phone, he is nothing but polite, and makes sure to let us know he would never do such a thing). It’s funny how people will talk with their chest puffed out behind your back, or behind a keyboard, but when they are actually dealing with you directly on the phone or in person they are polite as can be…

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: It’s funny how Bret consistently fails to provide context. Master Brown is simply a polite man, but his words WERE twisted, which is why he later clarified what was said in an interview I conducted with him. I’m not going to go into excruciating detail about it. You can go read the full article if you want, but I WILL provide the interview to contrast with Bret’s version:

Lordus: Prior to 2018, had you ever met or spoken to Steven Hatfield? 

Sensei Charles Brown: No. 

Lordus: Prior to 2018, had you ever met or spoken to Bret Gordon? 

Sensei Charles Brown: No.

Lordus: When you were approached by Bret Gordon in 2018 to discuss the history of Ohio martial arts and his (and Steven Hatfield’s) plans to establish their “American Jido Kwan Association” did they state or imply that they were taking over or reviving E. A. Fuzy’s “American Ji Do Kwan” organization? 

Sensei Charles Brown: Actually, I approached Steven Hatfield, because a Black Belt by the name of Dave Hush [See note on David hush below — Lordus] said that Hatfield was his instructor and that he had promoted him to Black Belt in American Ji Do Kwan. We never really talked about the history of Ji Do Kwan, however, I did send him a paper on Robert Moore and his background in Ji Do Kwan and how he brought it back to the United States after he finished his time in the service. 

There was never any talk of plans to start the “American Ji Do Kwan Association” or to take over or revive Grand Master Fuzy’s “American Ji Do Kwan” organization. There was nothing for him to revive because GM Fuzy’s wife is still alive and the head of the organization.    

Lordus: Bret Gordon states that you were E. A. Fuzy’s student from the 1970’s to his death in 2015. It appears that you earned your black belt through Tom Benich and Koroshi School of Self Defense and that you supported the Koroshi organization throughout your career. So, is Gordon’s statement true? Did you tell Gordon you were Fuzy’s student from the 1970’s onward to his death? 

Sensei Charles Brown: No, I did not. I started in 1970 under Tom Benich and I was with him until 1982 when he was killed in a plane crash. After his death, I was affiliated with Curtis Herrington and Gm Fuzy, who was a student of Master Herrington at that time. It should be understood that even though I was affiliated with them and I got promoted through them, I WAS STILL A KOROSHI BLACK BELT while I was training with them.

Lordus: Bret Gordon’s and Steven Hatfield’s claim to American Ji Do Kwan lies in their claim that William Sirbaugh (Hatfield’s step-father) and a man named “Shune Yung Davis” were co-developers of American Ji Do Kwan with GM Fuzy in the 1970’s (Gordon, after the interview with Sensei Mathna, changed this claim to now suggest the collaboration took place in the 1990’s). Gordon claims you corroborate their claim. Did you tell Bret Gordon that you know for a fact that William Sirbaugh and Shune Davis collaborated with E. A. Fuzzy to develop American Ji Do Kwan? 

Sensei Charles Brown: In the 1970’s, GM Fuzy was under Curtis Herrington in the Ohio Ji Do Kwan Association, which was very strong at that time. Shune Yung Davis and William Sirbaugh were NOT a part of the Association. In fact, you can speak to the Black Belts and you will find that none of them ever knew Sirbaugh or Davis in 1970 or 1990. ALSO, I NEVER CORROBORATED THEIR CLAIM, THAT JUST DID NOT HAPPEN.

Lordus: Bret Gordon states that you told him that you, personally, knew William Sirbaugh. In the most recent version of Gordon’s statements regarding your knowledge of Sirbaugh, he states that you met Sirbaugh exactly once at a training event in 1970. Is this true? Aside from this one encounter, did you ever meet or hear anything regarding Sirbaugh again? 

Sensei Charles Brown: It was the summer of 1974, and I did not meet him. I was at a JI Do Kwan work out and I heard his name, or some name similar, mentioned. The reason I remember it is because it sounded like they said, “Sir Bomb,” and I never heard of him again. I was under the impression that Sirbaugh came to Cleveland in 1990. If that is true, then the person that was there in 1974 was not him. 

Lordus: Bret Gordon has implied that you also knew “Shune Yung Davis.” Did you know, or know of, a Shune Yung Davis? 

Sensei Charles Brown: I have never known a Shune Davis.

Lordus: Please feel free to make any general comments you feel are important below:

Sensei Charles Brown: The one thing that I will say is AL FUZY WAS THE AMERICAN JI DO KWAN ASSOCIATION.

Lordus: Thank you, Sensei Brown.

From the Article: Bret Gordon and Steven Hatfield Face a Little Truth

It has been suggested that we somehow coerced Jim and Carrie into offering support for us. From the beginning, and even after Jim asked us to remove him from our website due to this drama, he praised the accuracy of the information we were putting out and even offered to speak to our attorney to help in the civil suit in progress.

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: I think the overall situation is a bit more complicated than that. There are a number of different agendas here, not all necessarily bad…The suggestion that Bret and Steven “coerced” Endrizzi and Carrie is hyperbolic nonsense, but YES, I think they intentionally prompted Carrie to achieve a desired result, and I think they dangled some carrots in front of Endrizzi, carrots they could never allow him to eat. Now, to date I haven’t seen anything where Endrizzi backs up their Sirbaugh claims (quite the opposite, in fact), only Carrie, so make of that what you will. Bret’s and Hatfield’s obsession with their Sirbaugh story — and their lies — are well documented. It’s like a strange sickness with them.

Now perhaps Jim and Carrie were using us for information and feigned support all along, but I’d like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they’re not manipulative masterminds and were simply spooked by the thought of having the trolls come after them even a fraction of what we’ve been dealing with. That seems to be a fairly common response, but my question is when is it enough? The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: This attempt to suggest some sort of conspiracy is so stupid and ham-handed, I’m not going to bother to address it.

So why write this article in the first place? Jim, Carrie and Charles may have since publicly withdrawn their support, but I will not have it said that we manipulated or coerced them to provide us with information. The simple truth is that both Charles and Carrie confirmed William Sirbaugh’s involvement in the Ohio Jidokwan scene on multiple occasions, and Jim offered to support us and assist in writing the true history that Fuzy left out. Anything said to contrary since their targeting by BSMA can only be taken as a sign of desperation not to become targets of the same cyber stalking and harrassment we’ve received.

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: Bret, you are writing this article because you completely bungled this situation and now you are embarrassed and covering your ass. Don’t pretend it’s anything else. A smarter, more disciplined person could have come away from this with something positive, but you and Steven are so desperate to perpetuate your Sirbaugh bullshit the two of you basically shit this opportunity down your legs.

While it would’ve been nice to put an end to the drama between the multiple American Jidokwan factions, the truth is that we do not need their support. The success and growth of our organization has nothing to do with its founder, William Sirbaugh, and any mention of him and his prior training is simply to answer the question “Who did you train with?” He started the organization, which admittedly during his lifetime may have been a backyard system with a handful of students, but it is in our hands now. The growth of our American Jidokwan Association is due to the quality of training both Hatfield sensei and I provide, as well as the connection to the World Taekwondo Jidokwan Federation, which is the only source in the world for true and legitimate Jidokwan. While Jim Endrizzi and the rest of Fuzy’s bunch are busy trying to live in the past and find any way to remain relevant, we are promoting the art and expanding our network of Jidokwan practitioners. The future is now…

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: Bret and Steven, this drama is of your own making. This is what happens when you lay claim to something that isn’t yours. It’s called stealing, and your two are guilty…and sometimes people don’t stand for it.

You have fabricated and then re-written this story of a fantasy founder for YEARS (even changing said founders NAME at one point). It’s so clearly a fabrication by now that to suggest anything else is insanity. Aside from fraud, the two of you are guilty of assuming that people are stupid while the two of you are some sort of geniuses. Your contempt for others is actually quite remarkable at times.

You have never even proven that William Sirbaugh was an actual martial artist. I have an admittedly low bar for who can be looked back on to be a founder of a school. It’s black belt. I’ll accept a 1st dan in this context (since most of the pioneers who started and developed schools and organizations in the US were one-year black belts who learned in the service overseas). Was Sirbaugh even a black belt? Who knows? The two of you, for all your efforts, wordsmithing, manipulation, and attempts to exploit others, have not been able to demonstrate he was by ANY reasonable standard. One group photo that MIGHT include Sirbaugh. That’s it. It’s pathetic that you expect people to believe this story that barely has the weight of thin air.

Where is a black belt certificate with Sirbaugh’s name on it? Pictures of him training and teaching? Pictures of him with any of all these people you claim he was associated with?

Moore, Herrington, Fuzy…these guys WROTE SHIT DOWN. I get new stuff from people weekly and they, and their students, appear in the documentation. They have certificates we can still locate and view all these years later. But Sirbaugh? Nothing…not even a yellow belt cert or his name on an old attendance sheet or a photo of him training any of these people you keep trying to claim he not only knew but that (you claim) he supposedly collaborated with to create his own martial art and martial arts organization. Literally dozens of black belts, direct students of Moore, Herrington, and Fuzy from the eras in question have been asked over and over again if they ever heard of “Sirbaugh.” SOMEONE would have remembered a black belt with such an unusual name, but the answer, repeatedly, has been a resounding…


You say: “He [Sirbaugh] started the organization, which admittedly during his lifetime may have been a backyard system with a handful of students.” Now that’s an interesting statement. Sirbaugh has gone from some great GRANDMASTER with links to other grandmasters who had a real school and real students and created multiple martial arts and an organization to…

Some guy who dabbled in his back yard with a handful of students.

Where is the “great grandmaster” Shune Davis in all this now? After being a significant person in so many versions of you Sirbaugh “history” — one who supposedly was part of a collaborative trio that included Sirbaugh and E.A. Fuzy and created American Jidokwan together — he appears to be fading, bit by bit over time, like a fart in the wind.

An even better question is whatever happened to these backyard students? Can you produce even ONE to say that he learned martial arts from the GREAT GRANDMASTER WILLIAM SIRBAUGH?

And before you say “Steven Hatfield,” let’s talk about HIS Jidokwan credibility. Remember when you used to make a big deal about his supposedly earning a Jidokwan black belt under Choon Mo Yang, even including a big write-up and his photo in your “history?” It’s gone now because Choon Mo Yang and his black belts, it turns out, have never heard of Steven Hatfield, which is really odd considering you claim Steven earned a 3rd dan from him. In REAL martial arts, 3rd dan is rare and hard to get. No way they would have just forgotten a kid making 3rd dan in their school…but say they did, where are Steven’s certs? Love to see what he claims are his 1st through 3rd dan Jidokwan certs from Choon Mo Yang. Choon Mo Yang uses his own proprietary design. Have you ever seen one? I have (along with the letter they sent me saying that they’d never heard of Hatfield).

Just more bullshit, heaped higher and higher…so high it blots out the sun.

Finally, I love your attempt at a snarky parting shot here when you say: “While Jim Endrizzi and the rest of Fuzy’s bunch are busy trying to live in the past and find any way to remain relevant, we are promoting the art and expanding our network of Jidokwan practitioners.”

Network of Jidokwan practitioners…what a joke. How many affiliates do you even have. Two? So when you’re droning on and on about promoting old-style “Korean Karate” through your organization and how superior it is and how awesome it is that you teach it instead of Kukkiwon Taekwondo...what the fuck is the difference? YOU are also living in the past. They are just more honest about it and aren’t trying to hijack someone else’s history and legacy to do it. Hell, the World Taekwondo Jidokwan Federation follows and endorses THE KUKKIWON you fucking moron…you’re not even appropriately in step with the organization that is providing you with your only shred of legitimacy.


Sometimes your stupidity and contradictions really get me worked up.

P.S. – I’ve largely been ignoring the onslaught of attacks by our detractors over the past year, and for those who read my “Year In Review” article (click here), you’d know 2021 was full of new opportunities and connections. Life is too short to allow myself to be consumed by such regular negativity. Since this article largely affects the American Jidokwan Association, however, I figured I would address one of the other false claims about it while I’m at it.

We recently put out that we were splitting the organization into two divisions, Jidokwan Taekwondo and American Jidokwan Tang Soo Do, and have identified AJTSD as the art founded by William Sirbaugh. Immediately, chatter erupted stating we were again trying to rewrite history since that name was “never used before” and we claimed that Sirbaugh founded the AJA and “American Jidokwan Taekwondo.” Now, as long as I have been President we have used both Taekwondo and Tang Soo Do to describe our art as you can see from this announcement of our new patches from February 2018, but let me clarify for those of subpar reading comprehension abilities.

William Sirbaugh founded the American Jidokwan Association that is now overseen by myself and Steven Hatfield, yet we are not the only organization to use this name. Towards the end of his teaching career, he was referring to art as “American Jidokwan Taekwondo” and that is what was inherited by Steven Hatfield. A former officer of the AJA who has since been excommunicated rebranded the art as “American Jidokwan Tang Soo Do.” However, it is still the same system. It is the continuation of Sirbaugh’s legacy, which is why we refer to him as the founder of American Jidokwan Tang Soo Do, even though he did not coin the name (much in the way that Chun Sang Sup is referred to as the founder of Jidokwan Taekwondo when during his lifetime it was actually known as Yun Moo Kwan Kong Soo Do). In addition, any adjustments or changes I make to the art as President do not change the fact it was created by Sirbaugh.

I must make this abundantly clear. We are not Fuzy’s American Jidokwan Karate, and we want nothing to do with it or his legacy. Any mention of him, Curtis Herrington or Robert Moore is simply a historical anecdote of William Sirbaugh’s training, but has nothing to do with our organization as it stands today.

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: Jesus…more bullshit. That is NOT what you said. Rather than go on a tirade about it, here are the screen shots:

What you ACTUALLY said on your AJA website…
What you ACTUALLY said in your blog, crediting child rapist and former AJA President and 9th Dan Patrick Justice with introducing the name “American Jidokwan Tang Soo Do.”

You’re simply flat-out lying while simultaneously trying to write child rapist and fake 9th dan and former AJA President Patrick Justice out of existence. People shouldn’t take my word for it though…they should just go search your blog for any instances where you have previously credited Sirbaugh with “American Jidokwan Tang Soo Do.” That’s what I did, and there aren’t any, but you do credit Justice for all sorts of things. You know, if you are going to re-write your history to eliminate all traces of your child rapist ex-President, you might want to go through all your blogs, Bret.

At least you are FINALLY distancing yourself from Fuzy a bit. Of course you’re being a bit dick-ish about it, and you’re still leaving room to keep hammering away on Moore, Herrington, and the Ohio Ji Do Kwan Karate Association, but I guess it’s progress. You just need to go all the way and stop claiming they and Sirbaugh ever crossed paths (Moore and Herrington would had had to have done a lot of prison time in Oklahoma and Arizona for that to happen, after all).

But I know that you just can’t help yourself.

P.S.S. – On the website for Fuzy’s American Jidokwan Karate, there is a certificate supposedly from the Korea Taekwondo Association recognizing his rank and therefore proving they have a connection to Korea, since I am sure they were feeling the pressure from our group becoming official representatives of the Jidokwan World Headquarters in Korea. Now, the certificate they posted looks nothing like official, verified KTA documents displayed below.

While I am not sure what the difference is between the two KTA certifications and why they are completely different templates, they both have the official Korea Taekwondo Association logo and seal, and the same signature, which Fuzy’s certificate from the same time period displays none of. I will let you decide what that means…

Dishonor And Deceit: An Ohio Jidokwan Story By Bret Gordon

LS: And then your parting shot.

Yup, I have to agree…this “KTA” cert doesn’t look right for the early 1970’s when Herrington aligned with KTA through someone named Sonny Thompson who resided in Texas. Now, it’s well known that back in the early days, some Korean organizations frequently changed the appearance of certs as a security feature. Kukkiwon certs are a good example. Depending on the year it was issued and the rank, one cert could be different from another (my Kukkiwon certs feature three different designs). Apparently this was true for KTA certs as well.

Still, regarding Fuzy’s “KTA” certificate, the logo looks a bit like a Chung Do Kwan logo, which wouldn’t make any sense at all. There have been a lot of KTA’s through the years, all claiming to have connections to Korea. I think it’s likely that the “KTA” that issued this cert, represented by this Sonny Thompson, wasn’t the real one, or if there was a connection to the real KTA, they made their own cert which would have been dumb because no one would ever recognize it.

Does that mean Fuzy was guilty of some sort of rank shenanigan’s? I doubt it. This is something that he received through his instructor, Herrington. It’s more likely that this Sonny Thompson misrepresented himself and burned Herrington…or Thompson may have been on the up and up and got burned by a Korean. This sort of thing was extremely common. Still is, actually, but I doubt it is indicative of some sort of fraud, as Bret is implying here. Fuzy was already a black belt under Herrington, and thus already had rank through reputable organizations and an indisputable connection to Korea through Herrington to Moore to Yoon Kwae Byung and the real Ji Do Kwon in Korea (real in the 1960’s anyway).

KTA certs have a pretty sordid past in this country and have been abused by many. Eventually, and thankfully, the real Korea Taekwondo Association for the most part stopped certifying dans (handing over promotions to Kukkiwon) in 1980, at least partly because of all the fraud associated with them outside of Korea. But you don’t have to believe me on this, Bret…you can ask your business partner Richard “Rick Love” Hackworth about it. After all, he’s an EXPERT on fraudulent KTA certificates, what with having been stripped of rank and thrown out of the Korea Hapkido Federation for selling fake KTA certificates (among a wide range of fake certifications).

Glass houses, dude…

7 thoughts on “Big Hitters and Bigger Bullshitters

  1. The demotion claim made me laugh. I’ve been talking to Ohio and AJA folks for months. None if them mentioned denoting Endrizzi.

    Alas, poor Bret. He can’t keep up but hey, atleast they got a nice patch to claim al over (among other things.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not sure where to go with this, do I send off for high ranking paper mill Korean martial art certificates…….or, do I send off for Rick Love’s course on how to pick up hot chicks?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The funny thing is going to be WHEN Dr. Dugas decides to deal with Brett Gordon.

    I wonder when Dr. Dugas is going to serve Brett Gordon and bring him into court to sue him for that ridiculously stupid action filed by stunt microcock Martin Pedata.

    There’s a lot of evidence to prove that Dr. Dugas didn’t defend, slander or libel anyone all he did was tell the truth.

    Whispers are circulation that the witness list is gonna be a long one…

    Pedata better get ready to throw Bret under the Bus or else.

    Pedata assumes he’s safe, buying a house secretly in Buffalo New York, where he can go hide.


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